Principal Investigator

National Chung Hsing University
Song Hwee Lim is Professor at the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. He is author of three monographs, namely Taiwan Cinema as Soft Power: Authorship, Transnationality, Historiography (2022), Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness (2014), and Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas (2006).
Related publication:
“Toward a Geopolitical Approach to the Study of Transnational Cinema.” Post45 (5 April 2021).

Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Po-hsi Chen is currently Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica. Prior to joining Academia Sinica, he was Postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge and at the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei. He received his Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Literatures from Yale University. His research focuses on the politics of emotions in Cold War Taiwanese literature and its connection to transnational radical movements, specifically exploring how China’s socialist experiments were reflected in Taiwanese and Chinese American diasporic communities through the cross-Strait and transpacific circulations of banned books, radio short waves, spoken drama, and propaganda films. His research interests include modern Chinese literature and cinema, the cultural Cold War, and global leftism. He is currently working on a new project tentatively titled “A Cultural History of the Golden Horse Awards: From Party-State Propaganda to Transnational Entertainment.”

Nanyang Technological University
I am a tenured Assistant Professor of Media and Culture at the University of Amsterdam and author of Transnational Screen Culture in Scandinavia: Mediating Regional Space and Identity in the Øresund Region (Palgrave, 2021). Currently I am a Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study at UvA and the Director of the AI and Cultural Production research group at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. I earned my PhD in Film Studies at University College London (2016) and was the recipient of the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, which supported my postdoctoral research in Aarhus University, Denmark (2018-2020). I have worked on transnationalism in the production milieus of small nations (e.g. Denmark, Singapore) and my research deals with issues of diversity, representation, cultural policy, and practitioners’’ agency. My current work takes a technographic approach in studying the impact of AI-powered tools in film production across different global contexts, where I am interested in how the use of automation tools rearticulate creative labour in the algorithmic age.
Related publication:
Chow, Pei-Sze, Anne Marit Waade, and Robert A. Saunders. 2020. "Geopolitical Television Drama Within and Beyond the Nordic Region." Nordicom Review, Vol. 41 No.1, (2020): 11-27.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Elmo Gonzaga is Associate Professor in the Division of Cultural Studies, and Associate Director of the MA in Intercultural Studies Programme, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He obtained his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of Monsoon Marketplace: Capitalism, Media, and Modernity in Manila and Singapore (Fordham University Press, 2023). His work has appeared in the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Cultural Studies, South East Asia Research, and the Journal of Asian Studies. He is a Member of the Advisory Board of Verge: Studies in Global Asias.
Related publication:
"Supply Chain Capitalism in the Planetary Network Blockbuster." Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3, (2023): 370-390.

University of Victoria
Thiti Jamkajornkeiat is Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Victoria (Canada). He received his Ph.D. in South and Southeast Asian Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory from UC Berkeley. He works at the intersection of Marxism, post-, anti-, and decolonial theories, and modern Southeast Asia, specifically Indonesia and Thailand. His essays and interviews have appeared in Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, Spectre, Haymarket Books, Asia Art Tours, and upcoming in Verge. His first book project is a global intellectual history and peripheral Marxist theorization of left internationalism in Indonesia during the postcolonial transition.

National Chung Hsing University
Zhou Hau Liew is Assistant Professor at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, and a recipient of the Taiwan Fellowship at National Taiwan University. His current project, ''Land, Sea and Globe: Materiality and World-making in Chinese-Malaysian Literature,'' is a study of twentieth-century Chinese-Malaysian writing and visual works, which critiques state-driven resource extraction and rethinks globality from the resource frontier. His essays have appeared in Critical Asian Studies, Asia in the Old and New Cold Wars, PR&TA and The Margins by Asian American Writers’ Workshop.
Related publication:
"Ecology as a Cold-War Scale: Lau Kek Huat’s Absent Without Leave and Ha Jin’s War Trash" Asia in the Old and New Cold Wars: Ideologies, Narratives, and Lived Experiences. Ed. Kenneth Paul Tan. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023: 55-77.

Cornell University
Shu-mei Lin is a Ph.D. Candidate in Comparative Literature at Cornell University. Her interests include Francophone and Sinophone films and literatures, early cinema, modernism and avant-garde, postcolonial studies, and translation and language theory. Her dissertation, tentatively titled “‘Border-Crossing Butterflies’: Hybrid Translation in Transnational Silent Cinema and Literary Avant-Garde from Europe to East Asian Sinosphere,” traces the hybrid language and its transmediary and trans-sensory practices in modernist poetry and cinematic translation from Europe and Japan to Republican China and colonial Taiwan. It showcases how cinematic and literary modernism can venture beyond conservative labels in Europe to unleash unsettling potential against the centralization of political power and the institutionalization of national language in Sinophone East Asia. Shu-mei’s articles and book chapters were published in the Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Fragrant Formosa, and Journey of Images and Reflections. In addition to her academic research, Shu-mei is also a freelance translator, having translated articles on film directors Tsai Ming-Liang and Huang Ming-Chuan, Francophone Martinican poet and thinker Edouard Glissant’s selected works, postcolonial criticism by Latin American political thinker Anibal Quijano, as well as books on Israel-Palestine wars and global cold war.

University of Cambridge
Xin Peng is Assistant Professor in Film and Screen Studies at the University of Cambridge. She specialises in film and media history, classical Hollywood cinema, Asian American Studies and transnational cinemas. Her work has appeared in Camera Obscura, Screen, and the Women Film Pioneers Project. She is currently working on a book project on the Chinese American telephone operators in San Francisco’s Chinatown.
Related publication:
"Colour-as-hue and colour-as-race: early Technicolor, ornamentalism and The Toll of the Sea (1922)." Screen, Vol. 62, No. 3, (2021): 287-308.

Lingnan University
Enoch Yee-lok Tam is Research Assistant Professor of the Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries at Lingnan University. He teaches courses on the histories of film art and the creative and media industries in East Asian context. His research engages with film historiography in the Chinese-language film, Hong Kong film history and film policy, and East Asia's creative and media industry. Currently, he is working on a book project examining the development of Hong Kong’s independent film in the post-handover period.
Related publication:
"Hong Kong independent political documentary under the regulating dispositif: Inside the Red Brick Wall and beyond," Asian Cinema, Vol. 33, No. 1, (2022): 177-189.

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Lawrence Zi-Qiao Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Previously a Research Fellow at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Yang received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley with certificates in Film & Media Studies and Critical Theory. His research focuses on propaganda media industries and aesthetics in modern China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. His broader research interests cover war and militarism, theories of materialism, and the intersecting industrial-technological histories of cinema, architecture, and urban infrastructure.
Related publication:
"Soil and Scroll: The Agrarian Origin of a Cold War Documentary Avant Garde." Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Vol. 31, No. 2, (2019): 41-80.

Nanyang Technological University
Yeo Min Hui received her DPhil degree from the University of Oxford and is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Chinese, Nanyang Technological University. Her first monograph, Amoy-dialect Cinema and Dialect Identity Transformations in Singapore and Malaya (1948-1966), was published in 2020.
Related publication:
〈馬來亞無政府主義運動的電影牽繫:1925 年吉隆坡爆炸案中南洋影片公司的聯絡站角色初探〉,《台灣東南亞學刊》,第15卷第2期(2020年),頁5-32。